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The 21 Day DETOX 

Is a progressive program that focuses on making specific dietary changes in 4 day bursts. Every 4 days you'll cut out specific foods and trade up for healthier choices eventually avoiding all saturated fat, trans fats, over processed, refined foods, sugar, soda, juices, and alcohol. By the end of this DETOX, you'll stress less, eat clean, move more, and feel great!


4 Day Bursts Overview

1. Alcohol free

2. Sugar free

3. Caffeine free

4. Grain free

5. Dairy free

 Maintain  ~



Detox Details
  • Click on pictures below to view a sample menu
  • The FREE tabs have food and exercise suggestions
  • Take 5 tabs offer the science behind your Mind/Body practices

The goal for ALCOHOL FREE & LESS RED MEAT days 1-4:

  • forgo alcohol

  • eat more chicken, turkey, fish and less red meats

  • begin to cut back on your caffeine consumption

  • increase your vegetable intake per day - this will increase your fiber 

  • start moving with at least 30 minutes of exercise every day

The goal for SUGAR FREE days 5-8:

  • continue with the rules from days 1-4 (forgo alcohol + less red meats)

  • eliminate all sugar and sugar substitutes

  • eat 1 pound of veggies a day

  • eat protein with every meal

  • eat at least every 4-6 hours

  • eat probiotic foods and a probiotic supplement

  • introduce interval training into your exercise program


The goal for Caffeine Free days 9-12:

  • continue with the rules from days 1-8

  • eliminate all caffeine

  • eat a pound of veggies a day

  • eat protein with every meal

  • keep your carbs between 20 and 50 grams per day

  • light exercises during this phase

The goal for Grain Free days 13-16:

  • continue with the rules from days 1-12

  • eliminate all grains, including flour (oatmeal is okay, read the label)

  • eat a pound of veggies a day

  • keep your carbs between 20 and 50 grams per day

  • strength and weight training exercises during this phase

  • quinoa alternative

The goal for Dairy Free days 17-20:

  • continue with the rules from days 1-16

  • eliminate all dairy, cheese, butter, kefir, and yogurt

  • make sure you are getting enough protein

  • eat a pound of veggies a day

  • look for foods that are labeled "vegan"

  • revisit interval training exercises during this phase

The goal for Maintenance days 21 & beyond:

  • maintaining your current eating plan

  • choose your challenge foods

  • re-introduce foods back into your eating regimen

  • testing phase - daily weight in, measurements, & notes

  • final phase - retake your measurements, BMI, waist - hip ratio, body fat %

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© 2018 by 241 FITNESS - The L.E.A.N. Program

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