Develop your ability to pay attention to your experiences with curiosity, acceptance and warmth.
· What mindfulness is + isn’t
· Science behind the practice
· Developing a personal practice
· Take away applications
“This program is a practical guide for bringing mindfulness into our day to day lives, helping us to connect deeply with ourselves and others.”
-- Wendy

Mindfulness Meditation for Life
Meditation is thought of as a simple concept, however most people find it difficult to put into a formal practice.
This four-week series will introduce you to the practice of meditation and give you the tools to try it for yourself.
Each class is one hour and fifteen minutes in duration and will cover the common questions facing most people who want to try meditation but aren't sure what to do or where to begin.
We will spend time on quieting the mind, breathing, awareness of the body, awareness of the senses, mindful communication, being present, developing a personal practice, and much more.