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Session 1 - Mindfulness of the Body


  • Introductions / Current Practice / Expectations 
  • Poetry in Preparation
  • What Mindfulness Is and Isn't
  • Practical - Finger to Shoulder Scan
  • Mindfulness Benefits / Setting Intentions
  • Foundations - Non-judging + Patience
  • Practical - Yoga + Meditation
  • Science Behind the Brain - Mindlessness vs. Mindfulness
  • Mindful Communication
  • Practical - Body Scan
  • Dyads / Group Feedback
  • Take Away Practice + Homework
  • Poetry in Closing

The Practice

  • The practice of mindfulness meditation gives us the opportunity to become more present with ourselves just the way we are.

  • Paying precise, nonjudgmental attention to the details of our experience as they arise and subside, without rejecting anything.

  • Being mindful is showing up for our lives and living because it matters.

  • If your not present in the small moments, you are missing a large part of your life.

Mindfulness is cultivated by paying close attention to your moment-to-moment experiences while not getting caught up in your ideas, opinions, likes, and dislikes.

Patience if a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand and accept the fact that things must come to fruition in their own time.

The Science Behind the Practice

Neurons - The Bodies Communication Highway

Mindlessness vs. Mindfulness Reactions

Neurons or nerve cells  

How Yoga Changes Your Brain

The Power of Sensations

An Opening to Awareness

Physical sensations you might notice with the body scan: tingly, burning, pounding, throbbing, trembling, light/heavy, loose/tight, shooting, stinging, cutting, tense/relaxed, soft/rough, prickly, pulling, burning, vibrating, cool/warm, stiff, numb,achy, sinking, shaky, itchy, pulsing, achy, dullness

Take Away Practice

The Body Scan: We can bring awareness into our daily lives by being aware to the sensations present in our bodies, the emotions that arise, and the thoughts that occur. Our practice is to simply notice what is already there, without the need to manipulate, manufacturer, or change a thing.

Just One Thing - Choose "just one thing" during this week to bring your attention to. This one thing needs to be something ordinary, that you do daily (brushing your teeth, tying your shoes, pouring your coffee, folding laundry, loading the dishwasher) Bring your full attention to EVERY aspect of this task. Notice: what you feel, smell, hear, see..... being open to the task and whatever the experience is. 

4 Minute Body Scan - Still Mind
00:00 / 00:00
Lying Body Scan - Vidyamala Burch
00:00 / 00:00

Free download from Breathworks

20 Minute Body Scan - UCSD Center for Mindfullness
00:00 / 00:00

Free download from UC San Diego

Body Scan for Grounding the Mind - Wendy
00:00 / 00:00

© 2023 by 241 Fitness. Mindfulness Meditation-for-Life

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