Session 3 - Mindfulness and Emotions
Opening - Mindful Breathing Meditation
Group Discussion on Take Away Practice
Poetry in Preparation
Practical - Group - STOP, Walking Meditation
Foundations - Trust + Non-Striving
Practical - Worry Surfing Meditation for Emotions
Science Behind the Practice - Emotions + Working w/them
Practical - Sound Meditation
Group Feedback
Take Away Practice
Poetry in Closing
Developing a basic trust in yourself and your feelings is an integral part of mindfulness meditation. You can't be someone else, you can only become more fully yourself. The more you cultivate self-trust the easier it will be to see the basic goodness in others.
Almost everything we do in this life is to get something or somewhere. But meditation has no goal other than for you to be present and be yourself. Mindfulness allows us to back off from striving and allows us to accept things as they really are.

The Science Behind the Practice
Dr Daniel Siegel presenting a Hand Model of the Brain
Take Away Practices
Silent Sitting Practice - Use the Meditation Bell audio tracks. Slowly begin to lengthen your sitting practice, using the S.T.O.P. approach to any thoughts, feelings, and emotions that arise.
Mindful Walking Meditation - pick a short span where you walk daily and practice your mindful breathing with each step.
How to practice Buddhist Walking Meditation
Free download from Audio Dharma